First attempt at logo…

So…  I have been working on this logo in photoshop, playing around with the adjustment layers and this is what I came up with. its not entirely done yet. I am still unsure of this layout I might eliminate the black background and boarder. I want to insert the name of this campaign in the middle (Yet to be determined)



I know you can hardly notice the mythical creatures i put, I am still figuring out a way to add them in to be more noticeable.

I kind of changed the colour palette as you can see, I am going to try to create one with the softer one I had, but I believe the harder colours work well with the mythical, fantasy, elemental theme I have.

1 thought on “First attempt at logo…

  1. Leigh Cavanaugh

    I like the strong colours you have chosen for your logo, but the decorative borders seem to overwhelm the focal point in this. It would probably be a stronger composition (and help with making the mythical creatures more noticeable) if you got rid of those and simply focused on those four main shapes. Also, the two blue colours look quite similar just at a glance, perhaps you might want to go with something that is strikingly different for air – maybe a yellow, or an off white? These “core colours” that you use for each element in the logo could easily be expanded upon for the books and have an entire colour palette created out of them for such. I don’t mind the black background, it’s very classy, but it does make the shapes of the animals a little hard to see. So either make the colours around them lighter and stick with the black background – this will create a higher contrast and you should be able to see them fine – or, go with a white background (changing the animal shapes to white too) and keep the shades you have. You could even have two versions of the logo for different occasions/ purposes. I like where this is going.


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