Monthly Archives: October 2013

Final conclusion

I have come up with a conclusion for this creativity assignment. As I mentioned before with the logo, website and mini booklet – I will still be doing that, and my theme is still environmental responsibility.

Officially, I decided to base this assignment on the four elements: Earth, fire, water and wind.  Here is the colour palette I put together including different values of certain hues:


For each element I want to address a variety of environmental concerns:

Fire: Sun/Uv radiation/Ozone depletion/global warming (heating planet)

Earth: Deforestation/pesticides/agriculture/Impact on animals

Air: Smog/Fog/Air quality (also the AQI)/air pollution

Water: Acid precipitation/acidity levels in bodies of water/aquatic life

Things covered so far:

  • Palette
  • General idea
  • Type of responsibility
  • Progress sketches
  • Type face selected
  • Logo design
  • Website design
  • Book design
  • Facts
  • Outcome

Creativity assignment

For this assignment I have chosen a theme of responsibility which is based on the environment. I chose this responsibility because I love studying the environment. I have taken courses on it in the past and It’s the one thing that I have much knowledge on. This knowledge would better help me with this assignment..

I would like to focus on a few aspects of environmental responsibility such as global warming and climate change and expand on these topics.

I originally wanted to create informative posters that are composed of images and slogans or facts. I might still incorporate this in my campaign.

I am leaning more towards a book-styled piece, each book will be short, and have images with few facts. In the beginning of the book there will be the positive aspects of our environment or whatever topic of the environment I choose to do, leading to the negative aspects to the end. Each book is going to focus on one topic only. With the book I want to create a logo as well as a website, I believe that the best way of getting the message out is through a world wide media.


Info I want to incorporate:

Climate change/Global warming

Ozone depletion: Because we are emitting so much pollution into the air it causes the ozone layer to deplete which allows stronger uv radiation to come into the earth. This radiation heats up the planet and harms our planet…But how?

Flooding: The strong uv rays melt polar ice caps which will increase chances of flooding,  on top of that if the water gets heated by the sun’s uv radiation and it expands flooding will occur even faster since hot water expands and takes up more space.